Chocolate Truffles



A great gift for your host or enjoy the holidays with family with chocolate truffle indulgence.  Remove from the refrigerator about 10 minutes before serving.

Chocolate Truffles
PEPPADEW® Recipe Serving

Serves 24

PEPPADEW® Recipe Time

20 minutes

PEPPADEW® Recipe Time

10 minutes

PEPPADEW® Recipe Serving

Serves 24

PEPPADEW® Recipe Time

20 minutes

PEPPADEW® Recipe Time

10 minutes


PEPPADEW® Sweet Piquanté Peppers Mild Chopped 400g

  • 300 g Sweet Piquanté Peppers Mild Chopped
  • 250 ml thick cream
  • 300 g good quality dark chocolate preferably 70% cocoa
  • 3 tbsp butter
  • 3 – 4 tbsp good quality cocoa, sifted


  • Warm the cream in a saucepan, do not let it boil.
  • Add the chocolate and butter, remove from the heat and stir well to combine.
  • Dry the Chopped PEPPADEW® Sweet Piquanté Peppers Mild Chopped by patting dry with paper towel, making sure they are very dry. Reserve a few for garnish and add the rest to the chocolate mixture.
  • Transfer to a bowl, and chill for 2 hours until set.
  • Use a melon baller or teaspoon to scoop out the chocolate mixture and roll in cocoa powder. Top with extra Chopped Piquanté Peppers.

Serving Suggestions

Serve your truffles with a couple of small glasses of Liquor or Vodka shots or a post dinner treat, with coffee.

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